USA Surfing is committed to protecting the well-being of its Participants by creating a safe and positive environment free of physical, emotional or sexual misconduct. Click here to read the complete SurfSafe Policy.
Although USA Surfing is not under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport (the “Center”), USA Surfing, the governing body for surfing, an Olympic sport, has adopted various definitions of the Center’s SafeSport Code (the “Code”) to align with the broader Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Additionally, USA Surfing is not under the jurisdiction but will report to the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) in instances when the allegation/violation occurred under the USOPC’s jurisdiction. USA Surfing will always report to law enforcement when required.
As a condition of membership in USA Surfing and a condition for participation in any competition or event sanctioned by USA Surfing, each USA Surfing member and each athlete, coach, trainer, agent, athlete support personnel, medical or para-medical personnel, team staff, official and other person who participates in USA Surfing or USA Surfing events (whether or not a USA Surfing member), agrees to comply with and be bound by the SurfSafe policy.
USA Surfing is committed to improving the development and safety of athletes and participants involved in sport. Unfortunately, sport can be a high-risk environment for misconduct, including child physical and sexual abuse. While child physical and sexual abuse is one type of misconduct, it is important to remember that this policy covers many inappropriate behaviors that do not involve children at all. This policy applies regardless of the ages of the individuals involved in the alleged activity.
Six primary types of misconduct addressed in the SurfSafe Policy:
All forms of misconduct are intolerable and in direct conflict with USA Surfing ideals.
As part of preventive SurfSafe measures in accordance with the SurfSafe Policy, USA Surfing conducts background checks in order to foster a safe environment at domestic and international competitions, create a safe living, training, and competition environment for athletes and other individuals associated with USA Surfing and protect persons at risk, including, but not limited to, minors and vulnerable persons. Click here to review our Background Check Policy.
All coaches, medical/paramedical staff, trainers, Board of Directors and employees are required to take the U.S. Center for SafeSport Online Training and must be background checked. SafeSport training and background checks must be completed before contact with athletes begins. SafeSport Training must be updated annually by completing refresher courses starting the year after completion of the initial course. Background checks must be repeated every two years. Internal audits will be performed regularly to ensure required checks and training have been completed.
Applicability - Individuals Required to have Background Ckecks:
U.S. Center for SafeSport’s online training is a necessary educational tool for prevention of abuse in sport. Education and awareness are the most critical components to creating safe and respectful sport environments. The SafeSport Trained course covers the following topics in-depth:
Both the SafeSport Trained comprehensive course and the free Parent Training helps you to recognize if an athlete is being abused, and most importantly you will learn how to prevent this from happening, or how to respond and help if the abuse has already happened. The free age-appropriate SafeSport training provides information tailored by age to your minor athletes. By taking these trainings, you are a part of our daily effort to make athlete well-being the centerpiece of our nation’s sport programs. Thank you for helping us champion respect, and end abuse in sport.
If you are a member of USA Surfing, start your NCSI background check and SafeSport Training here by logging into your member account (coaches, medical/paramedical, trainers, Board, volunteers, employees, etc. - ie. Covered Individuals)
Need a membership? Click here to become a member and begin your SafeSport training (athletes), SafeSport and NCSI background check (Covered Individuals).
If you are a parent interested in taking the free SafeSport Training course or wishing your child to take the free age-appropriate training, click here to get started.
Any individual may submit a report for alleged violations of the SurfSafe Policy through the following methods:
Reporters have the option to remain anonymous. No direct fees or cost is involved in making an athlete safety-related report.
Contact your local authorities if you have a reasonable suspicion that child sexual abuse or neglect has occurred. All reports of child abuse or sexual assault of a minor must also be reported to local authorities. Reports of abuse not involving a minor may also be reported to local authorities.
Contact the SafeSport helpline for 24/7 crisis interventions, referrals and emotional support. This confidential and secure helpline is operated by RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.